[Off-topic] A Philips VG-8020 in the Europe in 8 Bits documentary trailer

Thanks go to the Europe in 8 Bits documentary and the Festival 8 Bits taking place today in Valencia (Spain) for showcasing the Philips VG-8020 MSX homecomputer in their Europe in 8 Bits trailer. Yes, it’s there… Between the Game Boy and «The Father of Video Games» Ralph Baer and Morrison‘s Simon!

Europe in 8 bits


Watching the trailer in 1080p HD is highly recommended:


VG8020 is not back because VG8020 never left the scene! Just a looong HD crash & recovery + feeling lazy… 🙂

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2 respuestas a [Off-topic] A Philips VG-8020 in the Europe in 8 Bits documentary trailer

  1. araubi TF dijo:

    Rebienvenido. Tengo material pendiente guardado para cuando tengas ganas de catalogar 😉

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