TOSEC-MSX WIP (TOSEC-v2012-06-23) Summer Solstice

Yes, it has been long time. So I hope the wait has been worth.

Released Dec 2015, this TOSEC-MSX WIP update dates from summer 2012 (already three years ago) with some editing and fixing from the last two weeks. As figures speak for themselves, you can have a good look at the directory totals now. And if you want to go into detail, in this file every folder is listed alongside with its files and their respesctive sha1 checksums. And a simpler txt version with no checksums can also be accessed.

As you can figure now, this WIP update is MASSIVE: over 2,000 unique previously uncatalogued files have been added including stuff you may have never heard off. Demo category is renamed as Demoscene since it is intended to store such material from Parties and related events. And an extensive use of tags has been made of to provide relevant detail for MSXers. Plus, a new category Type-ins has been created as a container for MSX-BASIC (and not only) listings published in MSX print-magazines. Maintainers at Generation MSX and MSX Games Word as well as the MSX scene will certainly benefit from this release as it will help document software records.

I hope it won’t take so long for the next update to be released as I have codenamed it TOSEC-MSX WIP (TOSEC-v2015-12-25) Xmas is Here. Needless to say, these TOSEC-MSX WIPs will eventually be released at TOSEC. In the meantime, enjoy!

TOSEC-MSX WIP (TOSEC-v2012-06-23) Summer Solstice .dat files

All files can be accessed in the Ficheros (Files) section.

Esta entrada fue publicada en TOSEC-MSX y etiquetada . Guarda el enlace permanente.

5 respuestas a TOSEC-MSX WIP (TOSEC-v2012-06-23) Summer Solstice

  1. Wooooow! You are back! 🙂

    Nice to see you again!

  2. NatyPC dijo:

    Ufff desde 2012 que no miraba lo del TOSEC 😉
    Se va a añadir a la distribución oficial del TOSEC?
    Contenta de saber de ti de nuevo 🙂

    • vg8020 dijo:

      Hola! Sí, la idea es esa. Con el tiempo TOSEC-MSX debe ir reflejando los avances de TOSEC-MSX WIP.

      • NatyPC dijo:

        Tengo alguna idea para la catalogación. A ver si encuentro tu email, que lo debo de tener por aquí de cuando te pasé el folleto del Toshiba MSX, y te lo cuento a ver que te parece.

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