TOSEC-MSX WIP (TOSEC-v2012-04-15)

Easier said than done, a major update to TOSEC-MSX has been performed. The too-generic Various category in MSX, MSX2 and MSX2+ dat files has been split into a number of alredy-existing or newly-created fully-meaningful software categories:


In addition to this, every file has been been reasigned to its corresponding category; the colossal task of sorting out the 8,777 files being carried out by knowledgeable XakMSX.

Further TOSEC-MSX updates will bring more filename fixing (when ascertained) and new software being added to the most detailed MSX software collection up to date.

TOSEC-MSX WIP (TOSEC-v2012-04-15) dats can be found at the Ficheros section.

Esta entrada fue publicada en TOSEC-MSX y etiquetada . Guarda el enlace permanente.

2 respuestas a TOSEC-MSX WIP (TOSEC-v2012-04-15)

  1. vg8020 dijo:

    Update #1: filename extension criterium added. Dat-file sorting according to MSX system, category and filename extension.

  2. Pingback: TOSEC Release (2012-04-23) Official Release | MSX Cassettes!

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